Category: Travel

  • Postcards from Vietnam | Hà Nội

    Postcards from Vietnam | Hà Nội

    Hello from Ha Noi 🙂

  • The Secret Life of An Le

    The Secret Life of An Le

    Time for my annual, mid-twenties life crisis gift to myself – a solo trip to reconnect with my inner child​. I stayed up all night re-watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Inspired and sleep deprived, I peaked at Google Flights…

  • Tulum


    I visited Tulum recently to celebrate my friend Danielle’s birthday. We stayed for about four days. We over-shopped, over-ate and were swindled for our tourist money lmfaooooo.

  • Arkansas Autumn

    Arkansas Autumn

    I recently got the opportunity to visit Arkansas for the first time. I was surprised by the serenity of Arkansas. My drive was calm and scenic. I definitely want to go back and visit the crystal mining caves.

  • Travel Guide: Oxford, Mississippi

    Travel Guide: Oxford, Mississippi

    I graduated from The University of Mississippi almost two years ago and felt that it was only right for me to finally create a travel guide for Oxford.

  • Euro Express: Take Two

    Euro Express: Take Two

    I just came back from my second Europe trip and BOY. I honestly didn’t know what to expect but not only did I come back with good memories, but also a new life game plan. Lmfaooooofidjflksdjflsdjf let’s just say, THINGS WERE REALIZED and CONCLUSIONS WERE…

  • Euro Express

    Euro Express

    Last year, my best friend Dawn and I took a trip to Europe after graduation and we’re about to go on our second Europe trip in two weeks so I wanted to take this moment to reminisce on the memories and appreciate all the fun…

  • 2019 Summer Sun Tour

    2019 Summer Sun Tour

    2019 Summer Sun Tour: GATLINBURG – MEMPHIS – DC – DENVER – ESTES PARK​

  • Colorado Travel Guide (Existential Crisis Edition)

    Colorado Travel Guide (Existential Crisis Edition)

    Hello friends, Recently, I embarked on a ~self-discovery~, solo trip to Colorado as a late 23rd birthday gift to myself. I was going through that early 20’s “What am I going to do with my life and also wtf is life” phase (you know what…