
Monthly Mantra:
Create more


Spring is coming and it’s time for a physical, mental and spiritual cleaning. Nothing “bad” is happening in my life but I still felt so dull. Every day seemed redundant and like I was just going through the motions and not really appreciating my days. This month I’m going to get back to mental self care. I made a tracker in my bullet journal and I’m going to mark all the days I mediated, journaled, spent time in nature, created something and stayed off social media. I’m planning to do all those things consistently for a month and evaluate how I’m feeling after the month is over. It feels weird because my social media cleanse has already started so I didn’t promote this blog post or anything yet and it feels like I’m screaming into the internet void at the moment lol.

I’m getting back into meditating and have to constantly remind myself that it’s like going to the gym… for your brain. I’m not going to see results instantly but if I’m consistent with it, I’ll be amazed at my progress in a couple months. Another way that I’ve grounded myself is by doing things I used to do when I was younger. I have a soft spot for overly cliche rom-coms and fanfiction. GOD it’s so embarrassing to type it out but I love reading fanfiction when I was younger. One of the most embarrassing facts about me is that I was a Twilight fanfiction ADDICT. I had NO choice!! Hear me out – I was Team Jacob and Bella ended up with Edward so the only way to get my fix was through fanfictions. But watching rom-coms and redownloading Wattpad brought me such immense joy. I’ve felt so giddy and flustered watching and reading all these rom-coms like I did when I was younger. Korean dramas are also a great source of cheesy romantic films that aren’t as cheap-feeling as Hallmarks movies. They always go for the “CEO of a conglomerate company falls in love with a poorer girl who’s not like other girls and is hard to get” trope – sorry I just spoiled like 98% of Korean romantic dramas lmaooo ANYWAYS I’m going to go now, until next time… Talk to ya later, friends! (P.S. I’m going to try to be more consistent and try to post once a week… or two weeks.)


ice princess

I’ve been going down a Miu Miu F/W ’22 rabbit hole recently – I’m obsessed with the lil pink puffers;…
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Postcards from Vietnam | Hà Nội

Hello from Ha Noi 🙂
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Spooky Szn

It’s fall again and I can’t stop ~ironically~, ~unironically~ saying, “It’S fALL, Y’aLL!” My fall/winter staples always include anything with…
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Midsummer Siren

Happy end of summer :’) I’ll miss the orange summer sunsets and warm evenings but I’m ready for the cooler…
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White Rabbit

Hi friends, just want to share some winter looks and things I’m loving. Also keeping myself accountable because I said…
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The Secret Life of An Le

Time for my annual, mid-twenties life crisis gift to myself – a solo trip to reconnect with my inner child​….
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Midnight Cowboy

mood board + photo dump
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Tender Loving Care

happy valentine’s day, friends 🙂 remember to be kind to yourself and those around you. take it easy. today is…
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I visited Tulum recently to celebrate my friend Danielle’s birthday. We stayed for about four days. We over-shopped, over-ate and…
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Autumn/Winter 2020 Photo Dump

Hi! Its been a while since I’ve given a life UpDaTe~ Here are a few outfits, foods and things I’ve…
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